#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include "segment_models.h"
#include "segment_views.h"
#include "themes.h"
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include "segment_models.h"
#include "segment_views.h"
#include "themes.h"
#define PIN 4
#define LED_COUNT 32
#define LEFT_EYE_START 0
#define RIGHT_EYE_START 16
#define LEDS_PER_EYE 16
#define THEME_SWITCH_DELAY 10000 // Milliseconds
Adafruit_NeoPixel led_strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel (LED_COUNT, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
Create containers for sections of your LED strands/circles.
StripView left_eye = StripView (led_strip, LEFT_EYE_START, LEDS_PER_EYE);
StripView right_eye = StripView (led_strip, RIGHT_EYE_START, LEDS_PER_EYE);
StripView both_eyes = StripView (led_strip, LEFT_EYE_START, LEDS_PER_EYE * 2);
void setup ()
Aways give your project a safe boot delay so you can re-upload code when: - it uses too much current when your LEDs are too bright - the serial doesn't respond because of some timing issue
led_strip.begin ();
Main Loop
void loop ()
Switch themes every {x} seconds
Theme::switch_every (THEME_SWITCH_DELAY);
left_eye.clear ();
right_eye.clear ();
both_eyes.clear ();
Update the spots
left_eye.update ();
right_eye.update ();
both_eyes.update ();
Draw the spots.
left_eye.draw ();
right_eye.draw ();
both_eyes.draw ();
led_strip.show ();